The contribution of mangroves in providing food security, nutrition, and livelihoods for local communities is not yet widely known. Mangrove ecosystems are essential nurseries and habitats for fish and other aquatic animals, rich in macro and micronutrients for food security and nutrition. Mangrove ecosystem also provide a more calm fishing ground than open waters, allowing fishers with small or no boats to generate livelihoods. Under the ReCLAIM Project funded by Lucille-Packard Foundation and The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), CIFOR and partners conducted multidisciplinary research to assess the contribution of mangroves to food security, nutrition, and livelihoods of local communities in Banyuwangi and Demak on the island of Java in Indonesia. This video visually summarizes how the research was conducted, some interesting findings, and how they are relevant to the food security, nutrition, and the livelihoods of local communities.
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- Webinar Series #4: “Program Makan Bergizi Sebagai Upaya Strategis Bentuk Promosi Gizi Menuju Indonesia Emas”
- Selamat Hari Gizi Nasional ke-65
- Leaflet Program Studi Magister Ilmu Gizi Undip
- UNDIP Raih Peringkat Kedua sebagai Universitas Terbaik dalam Bidang Nutrition and Food Science di Indonesia Versi EduRank
- Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (JGI) telah menerbitkan edisi terbaru Volume 13 Nomor 1 untuk Desember 2024